Astromech Droid
These kits simulate the "logic displays" for your astromech, along with
the PSI "eye" lights that cycle between blue/red and yellow/green
colors. The front logic display board includes 72 white and blue 3mm
LEDs that fade in and out to emulate a fiberoptic look. The front logic
board also has an additional header to drive the PSI eye lights (four
separate colors). To complete the PSI eye circuit, all you need is a
handful of resistors and your own LEDs. Or we also offer separate
assembled PSI light boards with the proper colored LEDs and brightness
control pots that you can wire up to your front logic display board.
The back logic board includes 96 high-intensity white 3mm LEDs that also
fade in and out to emulate the astromech back logic display. You can
color the LED lenses or use a colored backing gel to replicate any color
pattern you wish.
Front logic display and PSI circuit
Click image to enlarge |
Click image to enlarge |
Click image to enlarge |
Back logic display
Click image to enlarge |
Demo Movies
Front logic display and PSI circuit
Front logic display
Front logic display when installed
Back logic display
Back logic display
when installed
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Kit Pricing
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